The operation of any report criteria form may be customized for each customer implementation. For example a form could be customized to lock down the store selection field when a user from a store accesses the report.
In addition parameters, customization and security settings can alter the operation of a form or its associated reports.
This purpose of this article is to provide a high level overview of the types of customizations supported by forms, and the means to investigate and alter customization settings. It is not a technical reference and additional technical support may be required.
JScript Customization
A criteria form's operation can be customized using custom JScript code. The Technical Reference section in the report help includes the name of the Form Customization JScript File Name if the criteria form supports JScript customization.
Typically JScript customization is used to disable fields and set default values on criteria forms depending on the role of the user accessing the report.
Please refer to the technical reference for more information on customizing form operation with JScript including the location of the file, and various customization techniques.
Generic Report Parameters
A number of generic parameters affect the operation of many reports. The Technical Reference section in the report help identifies whether or not a report is affected by a generic parameter. Generic parameters are listed below.
System::AggregateSalesIncludeNonInventory parameter. |
System::SalesAndTargetsIncludeTax parameter. |
System::UseConcessionStoreSales parameter. |
System::ReleaseQuantityCalculationMethod parameter. |
These parameters can be viewed and edited using Maintain Warehouse Parameters. They will have been set at implementation and should not be edited without thorough understanding of the consequences.
Report Specific Parameters
An individual report may be affected by parameters that are specific only to that report. These parameters will be defined in Maintain Warehouse Parameters using a section name equivalent to the reports Form Name. The Form Name is defined in the Technical Reference section of the report help.
Product and Store Select By Options
Many report criteria forms support standard Product and Store select by options (see Standard Store Selection and Standard Product Selection for more information). For example you can select stores by Region, State, Sub Region, Franchise Owner and Type to name a few. Some store and product select by options may not be relevant to a specific retailer and each option can be explicitly excluded from a Select By list on a report by report basis using parameters.
These parameters are created using Maintain Warehouse Parameters where the section name is equivalent to the reports Form Name, and the entry is the name of the field and parameter separate by a _, for example store_brand_@include_all_option.
Please refer to the technical reference for more information on creating parameters to customize product and store select by options.
Enhanced Security
Retail Arena supports enhanced security for Stores and Products where individual users can have their view of store and product information within reports limited by their permissions (see Product and Department Hierarchies and Department Store Analysis and Store Hierarchy Concepts for more information).
The Technical Reference section within the report help identifies whether a report supports enhanced security. Note that enhanced security must be turned on before it affects a reports operation using the following parameters.
System::StoreEnhancedSecurityEnabled |
System::ProductEnhancedSecurityEnabled |
These parameters can be viewed and edited using Maintain Warehouse Parameters. The will have been set at implementation and should not be edited without thorough understanding of the consequences.
Currency Conversion
Retail Arena supports multi-regions and multi-currencies. Where a retailer operates in more than one region and currency a parent region is defined, which identifies the retailers head office region. Transactions are imported into Retail Arena in the currency at which they occur but each transaction contains the exchange rate in effect at that time. Where a report supports currency conversion, it can be configured to show it's values in either the source region currency or convert it to the parent region currency.
The Technical Reference section within the report help identifies whether a report supports currency conversion. If a report supports currency conversion, then the report may be configured to convert or not convert values. See Foreign Currency Handling for more information on how to configure a report to convert to the parent region values.